i am a fashion designer. gee
click here to maximize your minimalism!

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click here to view my favorites from the archives. gee




are you a fonts enthusiast? a typophile?
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find the beauty on your daily walk! take time to notice the details of your landscape.
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there is nothing like seeing a great handbag in action.
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plastics are our future. how can you resist plastic? it is so shiny and pleasing. I have a penchant for plastics.
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chronicling my quest for the one true
Greek Cup
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have you ever noticed the similarity between nyc fire call boxes and benevolent Kannon, goddess of mercy?
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every design, fashion and art magazine I read lately features some important directional artist making big contributions to their genre. and where do they live? brooklyn!
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who says there are no more 'new ideas' in art and design? the newness is in the juxtaposition.
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this is how I really get things done. with my little green co-worker/task-master.
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my clothing & accessories design
east-meets-west minimalism

my site

the look
dressy utilitarian

my concept
useful, economical, modular pieces that can be mix-matched in numerous ways (because why can't fashion be useful and lasting? I think it can!) So I say Maximize your Minimalism!

Satin Karate Belt featured in Dec 06 Real Simple

Voted Best Designer 2006 Style Bakery
'On the Rise'

Daily Buss Feature

Luckymag.com Feature

in the blog press
midtown lunch
the girl who ate everything
queens eats
(into) the fray
funky finds
style document
gowanus lounge
far too cute
ethereal bliss
couture in the city
independent luxe
decor 8
funky finds
urban socialite
lady licorice
high fashion girl

more press...

furniture (especially chairs from the 50s and 60s), uniforms, repeating patterns, menswear, Oscar Niemeyer, traditional Japanese architecture, the Rimpa School and Ogata Korin's 8-Point Bridge, Matisse, bromeliads, succulents and other waxy flora

particular loves
bamboo, coral, moss, woodgrain, silhouettes & other cut-outs, plastic, low-resolution images, the photo copier, off-registration prints, Max Ernst's Lunar Asparagus, NYC fire call boxes that look like Kannon, Fauvist color sense, the Noguchi Museum, pretty much all of Abstract Expressionism

magazines of current interest
Domino, Elle Decor (British), ARTnews, Art in America, Wallpaper

favorite heel style
the wedge, but a sleek modern interpretation

second favorite
the stiletto

current shoe obsession
alas, the sneaker. (because I live in nyc and walk a ton!) but not too sneakery of a sneaker. more of a sneaker disguised as a shoe, like a mary jane style or a high-tech looking black one with a metallic accent. how about Royal Elastics? I must go try some on. I really like the non-sneakeryness of their styles.





look, the un is in the background! totally iconic.

Only monogrammed breads for me, thank you very much.




mini vase

Technically this is for the bath. But I think it makes a cool vase. I am so tempted to get three of these. But why three? Well, because they're only 4 bucks. Yes, I'm passing along the savings to myself. And I think because they're small, they'd look good in a series, along the middle of the table. Or in a nice cluster. I definitely think three would come in handy. I don't know. I may buy none. But then again, I may buy three.

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new beginnings

I started rereading Apartment Therapy for the 3rd time. It's a good New Year's-y resolution-y type read. I already took everything off two bathroom shelves, scrubbed & shined the shelves & put everything back before work this morning. It's working! Apartment Therapy & Domino make a big deal about your entryway. I am happy with ours. Shot from our green hallway this morning. I love our green hallway.

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the days are getting longer!

Looking up Broadway towards Times Square, January 2012

The days are getting longer, it's true, but it's always brighter than daylight when I get out of work. I like it. It's comforting.





These greens keep lasting! I got them, post-Christmas for 3 bucks. Score.

I got tired of buying hydrangeas. They lasted one day! Just one day! And then withered. It is definitely not hydrangea season anymore.

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long live the george

Alas, as of today, we can no longer do this on our George. Grill a sandwich, that is (nothing to do with the grapes). Time to buy the Griddler. (Sounds like the Grimace crossed with the Riddler.)

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contemplating the griddler

I did a mini survey on FB, asking my friends if anyone owns/likes/dislikes this panini press? Or if they had another they loved, to let me know. Well thank you FB! Lots of people responded in favor of the Griddler. We've had the George (Foreman grill) for 11 years, and it is finally breaking. So sad. We use it so much for sandwiches (especially the simulated mozzarella in carrozza pictured above), heating up bagels,heating up Vietnamese sandwiches, grilling tofu sausage, making things on tortillas. We totally need a replacement, and fast.

Do you want to know the thing that finally broke on our George? The On Button! We then pulled the physical button out (it was rubbery plastic) and have been using a chopstick -- jabbing it into the "On Hole." But now the hole isn't lining up with whatever's underneath. I would love to excavate to deeper layers to get to the "Essential On Button," but fear electrocution. Thus a new model is in order. Really, I'd love to simply get it fixed. But you can't get anything fixed these days. Sad you have to throw the whole thing away. Whatever.

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new year, new candle

Summers get mighty hot in Brooklyn. The melting was gradual. But relentless. We tend to like Winter better...

